April 15, 2023

Your eCommerce delivery experience matters

How to start saving money

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Why it is important to start saving

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How much money should I save?

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  • Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti
  • Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar
  • Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti
What percentege of my income should go to savings?

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“Nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque velit euismod in pellentesque massa placerat”
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New customer preferences

The way we buy things online changed a lot because of COVID-19. Since people weren't go to physical stores as much, they were forced to buy more things online. This made it really important for companies to have good delivery services that could bring things to people quickly and efficiently. The pandemic has also made people expect more from companies. They don't just want good products, they want a good experience too.

This mindset change has been engrained into the post-covid world. Consumers nowcompare the experience of buying something online to the experience of using apps like TikTok and Instagram, or getting food delivered. This means that companies need to make sure that their online shopping experience is just as good or better than other experiences people have had.

Because of all of this, it can be hard for companies to keep up with what people want and expect. They need to figure out how to make online shopping easy and fast, and how to give customers a good experience so they will keep coming back.

Premium delivery is on the rise

Even though online shopping has become really popular, a lot of companies don't pay enough attention to the delivery part of it. In fact, most people aren't happy with how things get delivered when they buy online. Companies usually spend more time and money on making their website look good and getting people to buy things. They don't focus enough on how things get delivered, which can be a problem.

Customers now expect things to be delivered faster and with better communication. They want to know exactly where their package is and when it's going to arrive. Companies need to adapt to these expectations if they want people to keep shopping with them. If they don't, customers might go somewhere else where they can get what they want.

Delivery is a competitive advantage

The way things are delivered when you buy online can make a big difference to how successful a company is. Most people say that delivery is really important when they decide where to buy things from. If a company can give customers a good experience when things are delivered, they are more likely to keep buying from them.

On the other hand, if something goes wrong with delivery - like if a package is damaged or doesn't arrive - it can be really bad for the company. A lot of people would write a bad review or complain if something like that happened.

So, it's really important for companies to invest in making sure things get delivered well. If they can give customers a good experience, they will be more likely to keep buying from them.

Slide is listening

We are on a mission to help brands turn delivery from a cost centre into a revenue driver. Our platform is designed to be the logistics operating system of any online store and brings an affordable delivery solution that ticks all the right boxes:

1. Faster delivery

2. More delivery options

3. A premium delivery experience

4. Order tracking

By bringing these capabilities to the market, brands are using our platform to improve sales, increase customer retention and LTV, and supercharge “brand love”from their customers.

Co-Founder & CEO
About the author

Jarryd is the CEO and co-founder of Slide