April 15, 2023

Why instant eCommerce delivery is a competitive advantage

How to start saving money

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Why it is important to start saving

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How much money should I save?

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  • Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti
  • Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar
  • Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti
What percentege of my income should go to savings?

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“Nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque velit euismod in pellentesque massa placerat”
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The rise of e-commerce has transformed the way we shop, making it easier and more convenient than ever to buy products online. However, as the industry has grown, so have customer expectations. Today's shoppers demand faster and more efficient delivery options, and retailers who fail to provide them risk losing customers to competitors who do.

Instant and same-day delivery are two options that have gained popularity in recent years, and for good reason. These services offer significant benefits for online stores, including increased customer conversion, customer retention, and basket sizes.

Customer Conversion

One of the biggest advantages of instant and same-day delivery is that it can help increase customer conversion rates. This is because faster delivery options help to reduce the amount of time between a customer placing an order and receiving their items. This, in turn, reduces the likelihood of customers abandoning their carts before completing their purchase.

Research has shown that the longer the delivery time, the greater the chance of cart abandonment. For example, a study by Baymard Institute found that 27% of customers abandon their cart due to a long or unclear delivery estimate. By offering instant or same-day delivery, retailers can eliminate this concern and provide customers with a sense of immediacy, encouraging them to complete their purchase.

Customer Retention

Another benefit of instant and same-day delivery is that it can help improve customer retention rates. By offering fast and reliable delivery options, retailers can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. Customers are more likely to return to a store that offers convenient and efficient delivery options, and are less likely to switch to a competitor.

In fact, a study by MetaPack found that 96% of consumers said that delivery speed was an important factor in their online shopping experience. By offering instant or same-day delivery, retailers can ensure that their customers have a positive experience and are more likely to return in the future.

Basket Sizes

Finally, instant and same-day delivery can help increase basket sizes. When customers are given the option of receiving their items quickly, they may be more likely to add additional items to their cart. This is because they know they will receive their items quickly, and won't have to wait for a long period of time to receive them.

In fact, a study by Radial found that customers who chose same-day delivery had a 15% larger basket size than those who chose standard delivery. This is because same-day delivery encourages customers to add more items to their cart, knowing that they will receive them quickly.


Overall, instant and same-day delivery are two options that offer significant benefits for online stores. They can help increase customer conversion rates, customer retention rates, and basket sizes. As customer expectations continue to evolve, it is important for retailers to offer fast and efficient delivery options in order to remain competitive in the e-commerce space.

Co-Founder & CEO
About the author

Jarryd is the CEO and co-founder of Slide